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Example of use: In June 2021 a news story reports how Angelo Graci, driving a pick-up truck, struck and killed Insook Rol, a grandmother walking in a crosswalk pushing her 18 month old granddaughter in a stroller. There is a picture of the truck which shows the plate number. Shortly after the incident, How’s My Driving showed 91 violations since 2015, about 2/3 of which were moving violations, especially speeding in a school zone. That history was never mentioned in any of the news stories about this tragic crash.

But, as Ron Popeil used to say, there’s more: As of 12/30/2021 there are 10 more violations, 7 of which are speeding in a school zone. Now he’s got 101 violations. Update: As of 3/15/2022 he accumulated 6 more speeding in school zone violations – the last two of which were earned on the same day. BTW he spreads his speed around: all 6 tickets were in different locations – most in northeast Queens.